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OpenKruise V1.4 Release, New Job Sidecar Terminator Capability

ยท 7 min read
Mingshan Zhao
Member of OpenKruise

OpenKruise ( is an open-source cloud-native application automation management suite. It is also a current incubating project hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It is a standard extension component based on Kubernetes that is widely used in production of internet scale company. It also closely follows upstream community standards and adapts to the technical improvement and best practices for internet-scale scenarios.

OpenKruise has released the latest version v1.4 on March 31, 2023 (ChangeLog), with the addition of the Job Sidecar Terminator feature. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the new version.

Upgrade Noticeโ€‹

  • To facilitate the use of Kruise's enhanced capabilities, some stable capabilities have been enabled by default, including ResourcesDeletionProtection, WorkloadSpread, PodUnavailableBudgetDeleteGate, InPlaceUpdateEnvFromMetadata, StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC, and PodProbeMarkerGate. Most of these capabilities require special configuration to take effect, so enabling them by default generally has no impact on existing clusters. If you do not want to use some of these features, you can turn them off during the upgrade process.
  • The leader election method for Kruise-Manager has been migrated from configmaps to configmapsleases to prepare for future migration to the leases method. In addition, this is an officially provided smooth upgrade method that will not affect existing clusters.

2. New Job Sidecar Terminator Capabilityโ€‹

In Kubernetes, for Job workloads, it is commonly desired that when the main container completes its task and terminates, the Pod should enter a completed state. However, when these Pods have Long-Running Sidecar containers, the Sidecar container cannot terminate itself after the main container has exited, causing the Pod to remain in an incomplete state. The community's common solution to this problem usually involves modifying both the Main and Sidecar containers to use Volume sharing to achieve the effect of the Sidecar container exiting after the Main container has completed.

While the community's solution can solve this problem, it requires modification of the containers, especially for commonly used Sidecar containers, which incurs high costs for modification and maintenance.

To address this, we have added a controller called SidecarTerminator to Kruise. This controller is specifically designed to listen for completion status of the main container in this scenario and select an appropriate time to terminate the Sidecar container in the Pod, without requiring intrusive modification of the Main and Sidecar containers.

Pods on real nodesโ€‹

For pods running on regular nodes, it is very easy to use this feature since Kruise daemon can be installed. Users just need to add a special env to identify the target sidecar container in the pod, and the controller will use the ContainerRecreateRequest(CRR) capability provided by Kruise Daemon to terminate these sidecar containers at the appropriate time.

kind: Job
- name: sidecar
value: "true"
- name: main

Pods on virtual nodesโ€‹

For some platforms that provide Serverless containers, such as ECI or Fargate, their pods can only run on virtual nodes such as Virtual-Kubelet. However, Kruise Daemon cannot be deployed and work on these virtual nodes, which makes it impossible to use the CRR capability to terminate containers.

Fortunately, we can use the Pod in-place upgrade mechanism provided by native Kubernetes to achieve the same goal: just construct a special image whose only purpose is to make the container exit quickly once started. In this way, when exiting the sidecar, just replace the original sidecar image with the fast exit image to achieve the purpose of exiting the sidecar.

Step 1: Prepare a fast exit imageโ€‹

  • The image only needs to have a very simple logic: when the container of this image starts, it exits directly with an exit code of 0.
  • The image needs to be compatible with the commands and args of the original sidecar image to prevent errors when the container starts.

Step 2: Configure the special image in the Sidecar environment variableโ€‹

kind: Job
- name: sidecar
value: "example/quick-exit:v1.0.0"
- name: main

Replace "example/quick-exit:v1.0.0" with the fast exit image that you have prepared in step 1.


  • The sidecar container must be able to respond to the SIGTERM signal, and when it receives this signal, the entrypoint process needs to exit (that is, the sidecar container needs to exit), and the exit code should be 0.
  • This feature applies to any Pod managed by a Job type Workload, as long as their RestartPolicy is Never/OnFailure.
  • Containers with the environment variable KRUISE_TERMINATE_SIDECAR_WHEN_JOB_EXIT will be treated as sidecar containers, while other containers will be treated as main containers. The sidecar container will only be terminated after all main containers have completed:
    • Under the Never restart policy, once the main container exits, it will be considered "completed".
    • Under the OnFailure restart policy, the exit code of the main container must be 0 to be considered "completed".

Advanced Workload Improvementโ€‹

CloneSet Optimization Performance: New FeatureGate CloneSetEventHandlerOptimizationโ€‹

Currently, whether it's a change in the state or metadata of a Pod,, the Pod Update event will trigger the CloneSet reconcile logic. CloneSet Reconcile is configured with three workers by default, which is not a problem for smaller cluster scenarios.

However, for larger or busy clusters, these unneccesary reconciles will block the true CloneSet reconcile and delay changes such as rolling updates of CloneSet. To solve this problem, you can turn on the feature-gate CloneSetEventHandlerOptimization to reduce some unnecessary enqueueing of reconciles.

CloneSet New disablePVCReuse Fieldโ€‹

If a Pod is directly deleted or evicted by other controller or user, the PVCs associated with the Pod still remain. When the CloneSet controller creates new Pods, it will reuse existing PVCs.

However, if the Node where the Pod is located experiences a failure, reusing existing PVCs may cause the new Pod to fail to start. For details, please refer to issue 1099. To solve this problem, you can set the disablePVCReuse=true field. After the Pod is evicted or deleted, the PVCs associated with the Pod will be automatically deleted and will no longer be reused.

kind: CloneSet
replicas: 4
disablePVCReuse: true

CloneSet New PreNormal Lifecycleโ€‹

CloneSet currently supports two lifecycle hooks, PreparingUpdate and PreparingDelete, which are used for graceful application termination. For details, please refer to the Community Documentation. In order to support graceful application deployment, a new state called PreNormal has been added, as follows:

kind: CloneSet
# define with finalizer

# or define with label
# lifecycle:
# preNormal:
# labelsHandler:
# "true"

When CloneSet creates a Pod (including normal scaling and upgrades):

  • The Pod will only be considered "Available" and enter the "Normal" state if it meets the definition of the PreNormal hook.

This is useful for some post-checks when creating Pods, such as checking if the Pod has been mounted to the SLB backend, so as to avoid traffic loss caused by new instance mounting failure after the old instance is destroyed during rolling upgrade.

4. Enhanced Operations Improvementโ€‹

ContainerRestart New forceRecreate Fieldโ€‹

When creating a CRR resource, if the container is in the process of starting up, the CRR will not restart the container again. If you want to force a container restart, you can enable the following field:

kind: ContainerRecreateRequest
forceRecreate: true

ImagePullJob Support Attach metadata into cri interfaceโ€‹

When Kubelet creates a Pod, Kubelet will attach metadata to the container runtime using CRI interface. The image repository can use this metadata information to identify the business related to the starting container. Some container actions of low business value can be degraded to protect the overloaded repository.

OpenKruise's imagePullJob also supports similar capabilities, as follows:

kind: ImagePullJob
image: nginx:1.9.1
io.kubernetes.image.metrics.tags: "cluster=cn-shanghai"
labels: "foo"

Get Involvedโ€‹

Welcome to get involved with OpenKruise by joining us in Github/Slack/DingTalk/WeChat. Have something youโ€™d like to broadcast to our community? Share your voice at our Bi-weekly community meeting (Chinese), or through the channels below:

  • Join the community on Slack (English).
  • Join the community on DingTalk: Search GroupID 23330762 (Chinese).
  • Join the community on WeChat (new): Search User openkruise and let the robot invite you (Chinese).

OpenKruise v1.3, New Custom Pod Probe Capabilities and Significant Performance Improvements for Large-Scale Clusters

ยท 9 min read
Mingshan Zhao
Member of OpenKruise

Weโ€™re pleased to announce the release of OpenKruise 1.3, which is a CNCF Sandbox level project.

OpenKruise is an extended component suite for Kubernetes, which mainly focuses on application automations, such as deployment, upgrade, ops and availability protection. Mostly features provided by OpenKruise are built primarily based on CRD extensions. They can work in pure Kubernetes clusters without any other dependences.

What's new?โ€‹

In release v1.3, OpenKruise provides a new CRD named PodProbeMarker, improves its performance in large-scale clusters, Advanced DaemonSet support pre-download image, and some new features have been added to CloneSet, WorkloadSpread, AdvancedCronJob, SidecarSet etc.

Here we are going to introduce some changes of it.

1. New CRD and Controller: PodProbeMarkerโ€‹

Kubernetes provides three Pod lifecycle management:

  • Readiness Probe Used to determine whether the business container is ready to respond to user requests. If the probe fails, the Pod will be removed from Service Endpoints.
  • Liveness Probe Used to determine the health status of the container. If the probe fails, the kubelet will restart the container.
  • Startup Probe Used to know when a container application has started. If such a probe is configured, it disables liveness and readiness checks until it succeeds.

So the Probe capabilities provided in Kubernetes have defined specific semantics and related behaviors. In addition, there is actually a need to customize Probe semantics and related behaviors, such as:

  • GameServer defines Idle Probe to determine whether the Pod currently has a game match, if not, from the perspective of cost optimization, the Pod can be scaled down.
  • K8S Operator defines the main-secondary probe to determine the role of the current Pod (main or secondary). When upgrading, the secondary can be upgraded first, so as to achieve the behavior of selecting the main only once during the upgrade process, reducing the service interruption time during the upgrade process.

OpenKruise provides the ability to customize the Probe and return the result to the Pod Status, and the user can decide the follow-up behavior based on the probe result.

An object of PodProbeMarker may look like this:

kind: PodProbeMarker
name: game-server-probe
namespace: ns
app: game-server
- name: Idle
containerName: game-server
- /home/game/
initialDelaySeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 3
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 3
- state: Succeeded
gameserver-idle: 'true'
annotations: '-10'
- state: Failed
gameserver-idle: 'false'
annotations: '10'

PodProbeMarker results can be viewed at Pod Object:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
app: game-server
gameserver-idle: 'true'
annotations: '-10'
name: game-server-58cb9f5688-7sbd8
namespace: ns
# podConditionType
- type:
# Probe State 'Succeeded' indicates 'True', and 'Failed' indicates 'False'
status: "True"
lastProbeTime: "2022-09-09T07:13:04Z"
lastTransitionTime: "2022-09-09T07:13:04Z"
# If the probe fails to execute, the message is stderr
message: ""

2. Performance optimization: significant performance improvements for large-scale clustersโ€‹

  • #1026 The introduction of a delayed queueing mechanism significantly optimizes the CloneSet controller work queue buildup problem when kruise-manager is pulled up in large-scale application clusters, ideally reducing initialization time by more than 80%.
  • #1027 Optimize PodUnavailableBudget controller Event Handler logic to reduce the number of irrelevant Pods in the queue.
  • #1011 The caching mechanism optimizes the CPU and Memory consumption of Advanced DaemonSet's repetitive simulation of Pod scheduling computations in large-scale clusters.
  • #1015, #1068 Significantly reduce runtime memory consumption in large clusters. Complete the Disable DeepCopy feature started in v1.1, and reduce the conversion consumption of expressions type label selector.

3. SidecarSet support inject specific historical versionโ€‹

SidecarSet will record historical revision of some fields such as containers, volumes, initContainers, imagePullSecrets and patchPodMetadata via ControllerRevision. Based on this feature, you can easily select a specific historical revision to inject when creating Pods, rather than always inject the latest revision of sidecar.

SidecarSet records ControllerRevision in the same namespace as Kruise Manager. You can execute kubectl get controllerrevisions -n kruise-system -l<your-sidecarset-name> to list the ControllerRevisions of your SidecarSet. Moreover, the ControllerRevision name of current SidecarSet revision is shown in status.latestRevision field, so you can record it very easily.

There are two configuration methods as follows:

select revision via ControllerRevision nameโ€‹

kind: SidecarSet
name: sidecarset
partition: 90%
revisionName: <specific-controllerrevision-name>

select revision via custom version labelโ€‹

You can add or update the label<your-version-id> to SidecarSet when creating or publishing SidecarSet, to mark each historical revision. SidecarSet will bring this label down to the corresponding ControllerRevision object, and you can easily use the <your-version-id> to describe which historical revision you want to inject.

Assume that you are publishing version-2 in canary way (you wish only 10% Pods will be upgraded), and you want to inject the stable version-1 to newly-created Pods to reduce the risk of the canary publishing:

kind: SidecarSet
name: sidecarset
labels: example/version-2
partition: 90%
customVersion: example/version-1

4. SidecarSet support inject pod annotationsโ€‹

SidecarSet support inject pod annotations, as follows:

kind: SidecarSet
- annotations:
oom-score: '{"log-agent": 1}' '{"command": "/home/admin/bin/", "log-level": "3"}'
patchPolicy: MergePatchJson
- annotations: Ordered
patchPolicy: Overwrite | Retain

patchPolicy is the injected policy, as follows:

  • Retain: By default, if annotation[key]=value exists in the Pod, the original value of the Pod will be retained. Inject annotations[key]=value2 only if annotation[key] does not exist in the Pod.
  • Overwrite: Corresponding to Retain, when annotation[key]=value exists in the Pod, it will be overwritten value2.
  • MergePatchJson: Corresponding to Overwrite, the annotations value is a json string. If the annotations[key] does not exist in the Pod, it will be injected directly. If it exists, do a json value merge. For example: annotations[oom-score]='{"main": 2}' exists in the Pod, after injection, the value json is merged into annotations[oom-score]='{"log-agent": 1, "main": 2}'.

Note: When the patchPolicy is Overwrite and MergePatchJson, the annotations can be updated synchronously when the SidecarSet in-place update the Sidecar Container. However, if only the annotations are modified, it will not take effect. It must be in-place update together with the sidecar container image. When patchPolicy is Retain, the annotations will not be updated when the SidecarSet in-place update the Sidecar Container.

According to the above configuration, when the sidecarSet is injected into the sidecar container, it will inject Pod annotations synchronously, as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
annotations: Ordered
oom-score: '{"log-agent": 1, "main": 2}' '{"command": "/home/admin/bin/", "log-level": "3"}'
name: test-pod

Note: SidecarSet should not modify any configuration outside the sidecar container for security consideration, so if you want to use this capability, you need to first configure SidecarSet_PatchPodMetadata_WhiteList whitelist or turn off whitelist checks via Feature-gate SidecarSetPatchPodMetadataDefaultsAllowed=true.

5. Advanced DaemonSet support pre-downloading image for updateโ€‹

If you have enabled the PreDownloadImageForDaemonSetUpdate feature-gate, DaemonSet controller will automatically pre-download the image you want to update to the nodes of all old Pods. It is quite useful to accelerate the progress of applications upgrade.

The parallelism of each new image pre-downloading by DaemonSet is 1, which means the image is downloaded on nodes one by one. You can change the parallelism using annotation on DaemonSet according to the capability of image registry, for registries with more bandwidth and P2P image downloading ability, a larger parallelism can speed up the pre-download process.

kind: DaemonSet
annotations: "10"

6. CloneSet Scaling with PreparingDeleteโ€‹

CloneSet considers Pods in PreparingDelete state as normal by default, which means these Pods will still be calculated in the replicas number.

In this situation:

  • if you scale down replicas from N to N-1, when the Pod to be deleted is still in PreparingDelete, you scale up replicas to N, the CloneSet will move the Pod back to Normal.
  • if you scale down replicas from N to N-1 and put a Pod into podsToDelete, when the specific Pod is still in PreparingDelete, you scale up replicas to N, the CloneSet will not create a new Pod until the specific Pod goes into terminating.
  • if you specifically delete a Pod without replicas changed, when the specific Pod is still in PreparingDelete, the CloneSet will not create a new Pod until the specific Pod goes into terminating.

Since Kruise v1.3.0, you can put a "true" label into CloneSet, which indicates Pods in PreparingDelete will not be calculated in the replicas number.

In this situation:

  • if you scale down replicas from N to N-1, when the Pod to be deleted is still in PreparingDelete, you scale up replicas to N, the CloneSet will move the Pod back to Normal.
  • if you scale down replicas from N to N-1 and put a Pod into podsToDelete, even if the specific Pod is still in PreparingDelete, you scale up replicas to N, the CloneSet will create a new Pod immediately.
  • if you specifically delete a Pod without replicas changed, even if the specific Pod is still in PreparingDelete, the CloneSet will create a new Pod immediately.

7. Advanced CronJob Time zonesโ€‹

All CronJob schedule: times are based on the timezone of the kruise-controller-manager by default, which means the timezone set for the kruise-controller-manager container determines the timezone that the cron job controller uses.

However, we have introduce a spec.timeZone field in v1.3.0. You can set it to the name of a valid time zone name. For example, setting spec.timeZone: "Etc/UTC" instructs Kruise to interpret the schedule relative to Coordinated Universal Time.

A time zone database from the Go standard library is included in the binaries and used as a fallback in case an external database is not available on the system.

8. Other changesโ€‹

For more changes, their authors and commits, you can read the Github release.

Get Involvedโ€‹

Welcome to get involved with OpenKruise by joining us in Github/Slack/DingTalk/WeChat. Have something youโ€™d like to broadcast to our community? Share your voice at our Bi-weekly community meeting (Chinese), or through the channels below:

  • Join the community on Slack (English).
  • Join the community on DingTalk: Search GroupID 23330762 (Chinese).
  • Join the community on WeChat (new): Search User openkruise and let the robot invite you (Chinese).

OpenKruise v1.2, new PersistentPodState feature to achieve IP retention

ยท 8 min read
Siyu Wang
Maintainer of OpenKruise

Weโ€™re pleased to announce the release of OpenKruise 1.2, which is a CNCF Sandbox level project.

OpenKruise is an extended component suite for Kubernetes, which mainly focuses on application automations, such as deployment, upgrade, ops and availability protection. Mostly features provided by OpenKruise are built primarily based on CRD extensions. They can work in pure Kubernetes clusters without any other dependences.

What's new?โ€‹

In release v1.2, OpenKruise provides a new CRD named PersistentPodState, some new fields of CloneSet status and lifecycle hook, and optimization of PodUnavailableBudget.

Here we are going to introduce some changes of it.

1. New CRD and Controller: PersistentPodStateโ€‹

With the development of cloud native, more and more companies start to deploy stateful services (e.g., Etcd, MQ) using Kubernetes. K8S StatefulSet is a workload for managing stateful services, and it considers the deployment characteristics of stateful services in many aspects. However, StatefulSet persistent only limited pod state, such as Pod Name is ordered and unchanging, PVC persistence, and can not cover other states, e.g. Pod IP retention, priority scheduling to previously deployed Nodes, etc. Typical Cases:

  • Service Discovery Middleware services are exceptionally sensitive to the Pod IP after deployment, requiring that the IP cannot be changed.

  • Database services persist data to the host disk, and changes to the Node to which they belong will result in data loss.

In response to the above description, by customizing PersistentPodState CRD, Kruise is able to persistent other states of the Pod, such as "IP Retention".

An object of PersistentPodState may look like this:

kind: PersistentPodState
name: echoserver
namespace: echoserver
# Native k8s or kruise StatefulSet
# only support StatefulSet
kind: StatefulSet
name: echoserver
# required node affinity. As follows, Pod rebuild will force deployment to the same zone
-[,other node labels]
# preferred node affinity. As follows, Pod rebuild will preferred deployment to the same node
- preference:
-[,other node labels]
# int [1, 100]
weight: 100

"IP Retention" should be a common requirement for K8S deployments of stateful services. It does not mean "Specified Pod IP", but requires that the Pod IP does not change after the first deployment, either by service release or by machine eviction. To achieve this, we need the K8S network component to support Pod IP retention and the ability to keep the IP as unchanged as possible. In this article, we have modified the Host-local plugin in the flannel network component so that it can achieve the effect of keeping the Pod IP unchanged under the same Node. Related principles will not be stated here, please refer to the code: host-local.

IP retention seems to be supported by the network component, how is it related with PersistentPodState? Well, there are some limitations to the implementation of "Pod IP unchanged" by network components. For example, flannel can only support the same Node to keep the Pod IP unchanged. However, the most important feature of K8S scheduling is "uncertainty", so "how to ensure that Pods are rebuilt and scheduled to the same Node" is the problem that PersistentPodState solves.

Also you can add the annotations below on your StatefulSet or Advanced StatefulSet, to let Kruise automatically create a PersistentPodState object for the StatefulSet. So you don't have to create it manually.

kind: StatefulSet
# auto generate PersistentPodState "true"
# preferred node affinity, As follows, Pod rebuild will preferred deployment to the same node[,other node labels]
# required node affinity, As follows, Pod rebuild will force deployment to the same zone[,other node labels]

2. CloneSet percentage partition calculation changed (breaking), and a new field in its statusโ€‹

Previously, CloneSet calculates its partition with round up if it is a percentage value, which means even you set partition to be a percentage less than 100%, it might update no Pods to the new revision. For example, the real partition of a CloneSet with replicas=8 and partition=90% will be calculated as 8 because of 8 * 90% with round up, so it will not update any Pod. This is a little confused, especially when we are using a rollout component like Kruise Rollout or Argo.

So since v1.2, CloneSet will make sure there is at lease one Pod should be updated when partition is a percentage less than 100%, unless the CloneSet has replicas <= 1.

However, it might be difficult for users to understand this arithmetic, but they have to known the expected updated number of Pods after a percentage partition was set.

So we also provide a new field expectedUpdatedReplicas in CloneSet status, which directly shows the expected updated number of Pods based on the given partition. Users only have to compare status.updatedReplicas >= status.expectedUpdatedReplicas to decide whether their CloneSet has finished rolling out new revision under partition restriction or not.

kind: CloneSet
replicas: 8
partition: 90%
replicas: 8
expectedUpdatedReplicas: 1
updatedReplicas: 1
updatedReadyReplicas: 1

3. Able to mark Pod not-ready for lifecycle hookโ€‹

Kruise has already provided lifecycle hook in previous versions. CloneSet and Advanced StatefulSet support both PreDelete and InPlaceUpdate hooks, while Advanced DaemonSet only supports PreDelete hook.

Previously, the hooks only pause the operation and allow users to do something (for example remove pod from service endpoints) during Pod deleting and before/after in-place update. But the Pod is probably Ready during the hook state, so that removing it from some custom service implementation may break the rule of Kubernetes that we'd better only remove NotReady Pods from the endpoints.

So that a new field has been added into the lifecycle hook, markPodNotReady indicates the hooked Pod should be marked as NotReady or not.

type LifecycleStateType string

// Lifecycle contains the hooks for Pod lifecycle.
type Lifecycle struct
// PreDelete is the hook before Pod to be deleted.
PreDelete *LifecycleHook `json:"preDelete,omitempty"`
// InPlaceUpdate is the hook before Pod to update and after Pod has been updated.
InPlaceUpdate *LifecycleHook `json:"inPlaceUpdate,omitempty"`

type LifecycleHook struct {
LabelsHandler map[string]string `json:"labelsHandler,omitempty"`
FinalizersHandler []string `json:"finalizersHandler,omitempty"`

/********************** FEATURE STATE: 1.2.0 ************************/
// MarkPodNotReady = true means:
// - Pod will be set to 'NotReady' at preparingDelete/preparingUpdate state.
// - Pod will be restored to 'Ready' at Updated state if it was set to 'NotReady' at preparingUpdate state.
// Default to false.
MarkPodNotReady bool `json:"markPodNotReady,omitempty"`

For PreDelete hook, it will set Pod to be NotReady during PreparingDelete state if markPodNotReady is true, and the Pod can not be changed back to normal even if the replicas is increased again.

For InPlaceUpdate hook, it will set Pod to be NotReady during PreparingUpdate state if markPodNotReady is true, and the NotReady condition will be removed during Updated state.

4. PodUnavailableBudget supports any custom workloads and performance optimizationโ€‹

Kubernetes offers PodDisruptionBudget to help users run highly available applications even when you introduce frequent voluntary disruptions, but it can only constrain the voluntary disruption triggered by the Eviction API.

In voluntary disruption scenarios, PodUnavailableBudget can achieve the effect of preventing application disruption or SLA degradation, which greatly improves the high availability of application services. It can not only protect application Pods from eviction but also deletion, in-place update and other operations that could make Pods not ready.

Previously, PodUnavailableBudget only supports some specific workloads like CloneSet and Deployment. But it can not recognize unknown workloads that may be defined by users themself.

Since v1.2 release, PodUnavailableBudget has supported any custom workloads to protect their Pods from unavailable operations. All you have to do is to declare scale subresource for those custom workloads.

It looks like this in CRD:

labelSelectorPath: .status.labelSelector
specReplicasPath: .spec.replicas
statusReplicasPath: .status.replicas

But if you are using kubebuilder or operator-sdk to generate your project, one line comment on your workload struct will be fine:

// +kubebuilder:subresource:scale:specpath=.spec.replicas,statuspath=.status.replicas,selectorpath=.status.labelSelector

Besides, PodUnavailableBudget also optimizes its performance for large-scale clusters by disable DeepCopy from client list.

5. Other changesโ€‹

For more changes, their authors and commits, you can read the Github release.

Get Involvedโ€‹

Welcome to get involved with OpenKruise by joining us in Github/Slack/DingTalk/WeChat. Have something youโ€™d like to broadcast to our community? Share your voice at our Bi-weekly community meeting (Chinese), or through the channels below:

  • Join the community on Slack (English).
  • Join the community on DingTalk: Search GroupID 23330762 (Chinese).
  • Join the community on WeChat (new): Search User openkruise and let the robot invite you (Chinese).

OpenKruise v1.1, features enhanced, improve performance in large-scale clusters

ยท 8 min read
Siyu Wang
Maintainer of OpenKruise

Weโ€™re pleased to announce the release of Kubernetes 1.1, which is a CNCF Sandbox level project.

OpenKruise is an extended component suite for Kubernetes, which mainly focuses on application automations, such as deployment, upgrade, ops and availability protection. Mostly features provided by OpenKruise are built primarily based on CRD extensions. They can work in pure Kubernetes clusters without any other dependences.

What's new?โ€‹

In release v1.1, OpenKruise optimizes some existing features, and improves its performance in large-scale clusters. Here we are going to introduce some changes of it.

Note that OpenKruise v1.1 bumps Kubernetes dependencies to v1.22, which means we can use new fields of up to K8s v1.22 in Pod template of workloads like CloneSet and Advanced StatefulSet. But OpenKruise can still be used in Kubernetes cluster >= 1.16 version.

1. Keep containers order for in-place updateโ€‹

In the release v1.0 we published last year, OpenKruise has intruduced Container Launch Priority, which supports to define different priorities for containers in a Pod and keeps their start order during Pod creation.

But in v1.0, it can only control the order in Pod creation. If you try to update the containers in-place, they will be updated at the same time.

Recently, the community has discussed with some companies such as LinkedIn and get more input from the users. In some scenarios, the containers in Pod may have special relationship, for example base-container should firstly update its configuration before app-container update, or we have to forbid multiple containers updating together to avoid log-container losing the logs of app-container.

So, OpenKruise supports in-place update with container priorities since v1.1.

There is no extra options, just make sure containers have their launch priorities since Pod creation. If you modify them both in once in-place update, Kruise will firstly update the containers with higher priority. Then Kruise will not update the containers with lower priority util the higher one has updated successfully.

The in-place udpate here includes both modification of image and env from metadata, read the concept doc for more details

  • For pods without container launch priorities, no guarantees of the execution order during in-place update multiple containers.
  • For pods with container launch priorities:
    • keep execution order during in-place update multiple containers with different priorities.
    • no guarantees of the execution order during in-place update multiple containers with the same priority.

For example, we have the CloneSet that includes two containers with different priorities:

kind: CloneSet
replicas: 1
app-config: "... config v1 ..."
- name: sidecar
value: "10"
- name: APP_CONFIG
fieldPath: metadata.annotations['app-config']
- name: main
image: main-image:v1
type: InPlaceIfPossible

When we update the CloneSet to change app-config annotation and image of main container, which means both sidecar and main containers need to update, Kruise will firstly in-place update pods that recreates sidecar container with the new env from annotation.

At this moment, we can find the annotation in updated Pod and see its value:

"revision": "{CLONESET_NAME}-{HASH}", // the target revision name of this in-place update
"updateTimestamp": "2022-03-22T09:06:55Z", // the start time of this whole update
"nextContainerImages": {"main": "main-image:v2"}, // the next containers that should update images
// "nextContainerRefMetadata": {...}, // the next containers that should update env from annotations/labels
"preCheckBeforeNext": {"containersRequiredReady": ["sidecar"]}, // the pre-check must be satisfied before the next containers can update
{"timestamp":"2022-03-22T09:06:55Z","containers":["sidecar"]} // the first batch of containers that have updated (it just means the spec of containers has updated, such as images in pod.spec.container or annotaions/labels, but dosn't mean the real containers on node have been updated completely)

When the sidecar container has been updated successfully, Kruise will update the next main container. Finally, you will find the annotation looks like:

"revision": "{CLONESET_NAME}-{HASH}",
"updateTimestamp": "2022-03-22T09:06:55Z",
"lastContainerStatuses":{"main":{"imageID":"THE IMAGE ID OF OLD MAIN CONTAINER"}},

Usually, users only have to care about the containerBatchesRecord to make sure the containers are updated in different batches. If the Pod is blocking during in-place update, you should check the nextContainerImages/nextContainerRefMetadata and see if the previous containers in preCheckBeforeNext have been updated successfully and ready.

2. StatefulSetAutoDeletePVCโ€‹

Since Kubernetes v1.23, the upstream StatefulSet has supported StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC feature, it controls if and how PVCs are deleted during the lifecycle of a StatefulSet, refer to this doc.

So, Advanced StatefulSet has rebased this feature from upstream, which also requires you to enable StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC feature-gate during install/upgrade Kruise.

kind: StatefulSet
persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy: # optional
whenDeleted: Retain | Delete
whenScaled: Retain | Delete

Once enabled, there are two policies you can configure for each StatefulSet:

  • whenDeleted: configures the volume retention behavior that applies when the StatefulSet is deleted.
  • whenScaled: configures the volume retention behavior that applies when the replica count of the StatefulSet is reduced; for example, when scaling down the set.

For each policy that you can configure, you can set the value to either Delete or Retain.

  • Retain (default): PVCs from the volumeClaimTemplate are not affected when their Pod is deleted. This is the behavior before this new feature.
  • Delete: The PVCs created from the volumeClaimTemplate are deleted for each Pod affected by the policy. With the whenDeleted policy all PVCs from the volumeClaimTemplate are deleted after their Pods have been deleted. With the whenScaled policy, only PVCs corresponding to Pod replicas being scaled down are deleted, after their Pods have been deleted.

Note that:

  1. StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC only deletes PVCs created by volumeClaimTemplate instead of the PVCs created by user or related to StatefulSet Pod.
  2. The policies only apply when Pods are being removed due to the StatefulSet being deleted or scaled down. For example, if a Pod associated with a StatefulSet fails due to node failure, and the control plane creates a replacement Pod, the StatefulSet retains the existing PVC. The existing volume is unaffected, and the cluster will attach it to the node where the new Pod is about to launch.

3. Advanced DaemonSet refactor, lifecycle hookโ€‹

The behavior of Advanced DaemonSet used to be a little different with the upstream controller, such as it required extra configuration to choose whether not-ready and unschedulable nodes should be handled, which makes users confused and hard to understand.

In release v1.1, we have refactored Advanced DaemonSet to make it rebase with upstream. Now, the default behavior of Advanced DaemonSet should be same with the upstream DaemonSet, which means users can conveniently modify the apiVersion field to convert a built-in DaemonSet to Advanced DaemonSet.

Meanwhile, we also add lifecycle hook for Advanced DaemonSet. Currently it supports preDelete hook, which allows users to do something (for example check node resources) before Pod deleting.

kind: DaemonSet
# define with label
labelsHandler: "true"

When Advanced DaemonSet delete a Pod (including scale in and recreate update):

  • Delete it directly if no lifecycle hook definition or Pod not matched preDelete hook
  • Otherwise, Advanced DaemonSet will firstly update Pod to PreparingDelete state and wait for user controller to remove the label/finalizer and Pod not matched preDelete hook

4. Improve performance by disable DeepCopyโ€‹

By default, when we are writing Operator/Controller with controller-runtime and use the Client interface in to get/list typed objects, it will always get objects from Informer. That's known by most people.

But what's many people don't know, is that controller-runtime will firstly deep copy all the objects got from Informer and then return the copied objects.

This design aims to avoid developers directly modifying the objects in Informer. After DeepCopy, no matter how developers modify the objected returned by get/list, it will not change the objects in Informer, which are only synced by ListWatch from kube-apiserver.

However, in some large-scale clusters, mutliple controllers of OpenKruise and their workers are reconciling together, which may bring so many DeepCopy operations. For example, there are a lot of application CloneSets and some of them have managed thousands of Pods, then each worker will list all Pod of the CloneSet during Reconcile and there exists multiple workers. It brings CPU and Memory pressure to kruise-manager and even sometimes makes it Out-Of-Memory.

So I have submitted and merged DisableDeepCopy feature in upstream, which contains in controller-runtime >= v0.10 version. It allows developers to specify some resource types that will directly return the objects from Informer without DeepCopy during get/list.

For example, we can add cache options when initialize Manager in main.go to avoid DeepCopy for Pod objects.

    mgr, err := ctrl.NewManager(cfg, ctrl.Options{
NewCache: cache.BuilderWithOptions(cache.Options{
UnsafeDisableDeepCopyByObject: map[client.Object]bool{
&v1.Pod{}: true,

But in Kruise v1.1, we re-implement Delegating Client instead of using the feature of controller-runtime. It allows developers to avoid DeepCopy with DisableDeepCopy ListOption in any list places, which is more flexible.

    if err := r.List(context.TODO(), &podList, client.InNamespace("default"), utilclient.DisableDeepCopy); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err

5. Other changesโ€‹

For more changes, their authors and commits, you can read the Github release.

Get Involvedโ€‹

Welcome to get involved with OpenKruise by joining us in Github/Slack/DingTalk/WeChat. Have something youโ€™d like to broadcast to our community? Share your voice at our Bi-weekly community meeting (Chinese), or through the channels below:

  • Join the community on Slack (English).
  • Join the community on DingTalk: Search GroupID 23330762 (Chinese).
  • Join the community on WeChat (new): Search User openkruise and let the robot invite you (Chinese).

OpenKruise v1.0, Reaching New Peaks of application automation

ยท 7 min read
Siyu Wang
Maintainer of OpenKruise

Weโ€™re pleased to announce the release of Kubernetes 1.0, which is a CNCF Sandbox level project.

OpenKruise is an extended component suite for Kubernetes, which mainly focuses on application automations, such as deployment, upgrade, ops and availability protection. Mostly features provided by OpenKruise are built primarily based on CRD extensions. They can work in pure Kubernetes clusters without any other dependences.


Overall, OpenKruise currently provides features in these areas:

  • Application workloads: Enhanced strategies of deploy and upgrade for stateless/stateful/daemon applications, such as in-place update, canary/flowing upgrade.
  • Sidecar container management: supports to define sidecar container alone, which means it can inject sidecar containers, upgrade them with no effect on application containers and even hot upgrade.
  • Enhanced operations: such as restart containers in-place, pre-download images on specific nodes, keep containers launch priority in a Pod, distribute one resource to multiple namespaces.
  • Application availability protection: protect availability for applications that deployed in Kubernetes.

What's new?โ€‹

1. InPlace Update for environmentsโ€‹

Author: @FillZpp

OpenKruise has supported InPlace Update since very early version, mostly for workloads like CloneSet and Advanced StatefulSet. Comparing to recreate Pods during upgrade, in-place update only has to modify the fields in existing Pods.


As the picture shows above, we only modify the image field in Pod during in-place update. So that:

  • Avoid additional cost of scheduling, allocating IP, allocating and mounting volumes.
  • Faster image pulling, because of we can re-use most of image layers pulled by the old image and only to pull several new layers.
  • When a container is in-place updating, the other containers in Pod will not be affected and remain running.

However, OpenKruise only supports to in-place update image field in Pod and has to recreate Pods if other fields need to update. All the way through, more and more users hope OpenKruise could support in-place update more fields such as env -- which is hard to implement, for it is limited by kube-apiserver.

After our unremitting efforts, OpenKruise finally support in-place update environments via Downward API since version v1.0. Take the CloneSet YAML below as an example, user has to set the configuration in annotation and write a env from it. After that, he just needs to modify the annotation value when changing the configuration. Kruise will restart all containers with env from the annotation in such Pod to enable the new configuration.

kind: CloneSet
replicas: 1
app-config: "... the real env value ..."
- name: app
- name: APP_CONFIG
fieldPath: metadata.annotations['app-config']
type: InPlaceIfPossible

At the same time, we have removed the limit of imageID for in-place update, which means you can update a new image with the same imageID to the old image.

For more details please read documentation.

2. Distribute resources over multiple namespacesโ€‹

Author: @veophi

For the scenario, where the namespace-scoped resources such as Secret and ConfigMap need to be distributed or synchronized to different namespaces, the native k8s currently only supports manual distribution and synchronization by users one-by-one, which is very inconvenient.

Typical examples:

  • When users want to use the imagePullSecrets capability of SidecarSet, they must repeatedly create corresponding Secrets in relevant namespaces, and ensure the correctness and consistency of these Secret configurations;
  • When users want to configure some common environment variables, they probably need to distribute ConfigMaps to multiple namespaces, and the subsequent modifications of these ConfigMaps might require synchronization among these namespaces.

Therefore, in the face of these scenarios that require the resource distribution and continuously synchronization across namespaces, we provide a tool, namely ResourceDistribution, to do this automatically.

Currently, ResourceDistribution supports the two kind resources --- Secret & ConfigMap.

kind: ResourceDistribution
name: sample
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: game-demo
# or includedNamespaces, excludedNamespaces

So you can see ResourceDistribution is a kind of cluster-scoped CRD, which is mainly composed of two fields: resource and targets.

  • resource is a complete and correct resource structure in YAML style.
  • targets indicates the target namespaces that the resource should be distributed into.

For more details please read documentation.

3. Container launch priorityโ€‹

Author: @Concurrensee

Containers in a same Pod in it might have dependence, which means the application in one container runs depending on another container. For example:

  1. Container A has to start first. Container B can start only if A is already running.
  2. Container B has to exit first. Container A can stop only if B has already exited.

Currently, the sequences of containers start and stop are controlled by Kubelet. Kubernetes used to have a KEP, which plans to add a type field for container to identify the priority of start and stop. However, it has been refused because of sig-node thought it may bring a huge change to code.

So OpenKruise provides a feature named Container Launch Priority, which helps user control the sequence of containers start in a Pod.

  1. User only has to put the annotation Ordered in a Pod, then Kruise will ensure all containers in this Pod should be started by the sequence of pod.spec.containers list.
  2. If you want to customize the launch sequence, you can add KRUISE_CONTAINER_PRIORITY environment in container. The range of the value is [-2147483647, 2147483647]. The container with higher priority will be guaranteed to start before the others with lower priority.

For more details please read documentation.

4. kubectl-kruise commandline toolโ€‹

Author: @hantmac

OpenKruise used to provide SDK like kruise-api and client-java for some programming languages, which can be imported into users' projects. On the other hand, some users also need to operate the workload resources with commandline in test environment.

However, the rollout, set image commands in original kubectl can only work for built-in workloads, such as Deployment and StatefulSet.

So, OpenKruise now provide a commandline tool named kubectl-kruise, which is a standard plugin of kubectl and can work for OpenKruise workload types.

# rollout undo cloneset
$ kubectl kruise rollout undo cloneset/nginx

# rollout status advanced statefulset
$ kubectl kruise rollout status

# set image of a cloneset
$ kubectl kruise set image cloneset/nginx busybox=busybox nginx=nginx:1.9.1

For more details please read documentation.

5. Other changesโ€‹


  • Add maxUnavailable field in scaleStrategy to support rate limiting of scaling up.
  • Mark revision stable when all pods updated to it, won't wait all pods to be ready.


  • Manage the pods that have created before WorkloadSpread.
  • Optimize the update and retry logic for webhook injection.

Advanced DaemonSet:

  • Support in-place update Daemon Pod.
  • Support progressive annotation to control if pods creation should be limited by partition.


  • Fix SidecarSet filter active pods.
  • Add SourceContainerNameFrom and EnvNames fields in transferenv to make the container name flexible and the list shorter.


  • Add no pub-protection annotation to skip validation for the specific Pod.
  • PodUnavailableBudget controller watches workload replicas changed.


  • Add --nodeimage-creation-delay flag to delay NodeImage creation after Node ready.


  • Fix pod NodeSelectorTerms length 0 when UnitedDeployment NodeSelectorTerms is nil.

Other optimization:

  • kruise-daemon list and watch pods using protobuf.
  • Export cache resync args and defaults to be 0 in chart value.
  • Fix http checker reloading after webhook certs updated.
  • Generate CRDs with original controller-tools and markers.

Get Involvedโ€‹

Welcome to get involved with OpenKruise by joining us in Github/Slack/DingTalk/WeChat. Have something youโ€™d like to broadcast to our community? Share your voice at our Bi-weekly community meeting (Chinese), or through the channels below:

  • Join the community on Slack (English).
  • Join the community on DingTalk: Search GroupID 23330762 (Chinese).
  • Join the community on WeChat: Search User openkruise and let the robot invite you (Chinese).

OpenKruise 0.10.0, New features of multi-domain management, application protection

ยท 5 min read
Siyu Wang
Maintainer of OpenKruise

On Sep 6th, 2021, OpenKruise released the latest version v0.10.0, with new features, such as WorkloadSpread and PodUnavailableBudget. This article provides an overview of this new version.


WorkloadSpread can distribute Pods of workload to different types of Node according to some polices, which empowers single workload the abilities for multi-domain deployment and elastic deployment.

Some common policies include:

  • fault toleration spread (for example, spread evenly among hosts, az, etc)
  • spread according to the specified ratio (for example, deploy Pod to several specified az according to the proportion)
  • subset management with priority, such as
    • deploy Pods to ecs first, and then deploy to eci when its resources are insufficient.
    • deploy a fixed number of Pods to ecs first, and the rest Pods are deployed to eci.
  • subset management with customization, such as
    • control how many pods in a workload are deployed in different cpu arch
    • enable pods in different cpu arch to have different resource requirements

The feature of WorkloadSpread is similar with UnitedDeployment in OpenKruise community. Each WorkloadSpread defines multi-domain called subset. Each domain may provide the limit to run the replicas number of pods called maxReplicas. WorkloadSpread injects the domain configuration into the Pod by Webhook, and it also controls the order of scale in and scale out.

kind: WorkloadSpread
name: workloadspread-demo
apiVersion: apps/v1 |
kind: Deployment | CloneSet
name: workload-xxx
- name: subset-a
- key:
operator: In
- zone-a
maxReplicas: 10 | 30%
- name: subset-b
- key:
operator: In
- zone-b

The WorkloadSpread is related to a Workload via targetRef. When a Pod is created by the Workload, it will be injected topology policies by Kruise according to the rules in WorkloadSpread.

Note that WorkloadSpread uses Pod Deletion Cost to control the priority of scale down. So:

  • If the Workload type is CloneSet, it already supports the feature.
  • If the Workload type is Deployment or ReplicaSet, it requires your Kubernetes version >= 1.22.

Also you have to enable WorkloadSpread feature-gate when you install or upgrade Kruise.


Kubernetes offers Pod Disruption Budget to help you run highly available applications even when you introduce frequent voluntary disruptions. PDB limits the number of Pods of a replicated application that are down simultaneously from voluntary disruptions. However, it can only constrain the voluntary disruption triggered by the Eviction API. For example, when you run kubectl drain, the tool tries to evict all of the Pods on the Node you're taking out of service.

In the following voluntary disruption scenarios, there are still business disruption or SLA degradation situations:

  1. The application owner update deployment's pod template for general upgrading, while cluster administrator drain nodes to scale the cluster down(learn about Cluster Autoscaling).
  2. The middleware team is using SidecarSet to rolling upgrade the sidecar containers of the cluster, e.g. ServiceMesh envoy, while HPA triggers the scale-down of business applications.
  3. The application owner and middleware team release the same Pods at the same time based on OpenKruise cloneSet, sidecarSet in-place upgrades

In voluntary disruption scenarios, PodUnavailableBudget can achieve the effect of preventing application disruption or SLA degradation, which greatly improves the high availability of application services.

kind: PodUnavailableBudget
name: web-server-pub
namespace: web
apiVersion: apps/v1 |
kind: Deployment | CloneSet | StatefulSet | ...
name: web-server
# selector label query over pods managed by the budget
# selector and TargetReference are mutually exclusive, targetRef is priority to take effect.
# selector is commonly used in scenarios where applications are deployed using multiple workloads,
# and targetRef is used for protection against a single workload.
# selector:
# matchLabels:
# app: web-server
# maximum number of Pods unavailable for the current cloneset, the example is cloneset.replicas(5) * 60% = 3
# maxUnavailable and minAvailable are mutually exclusive, maxUnavailable is priority to take effect
maxUnavailable: 60%
# Minimum number of Pods available for the current cloneset, the example is cloneset.replicas(5) * 40% = 2
# minAvailable: 40%

You have to enable the feature-gates when install or upgrade Kruise:

  • PodUnavailableBudgetDeleteGate: protect Pod deletion or eviction.
  • PodUnavailableBudgetUpdateGate: protect Pod update operations, such as in-place update.

CloneSet supports scaledown priority by Spread Constraintsโ€‹

When replicas of a CloneSet decreased, it has the arithmetic to choose Pods and delete them.

  1. Node unassigned < assigned
  2. PodPending < PodUnknown < PodRunning
  3. Not ready < ready
  4. Lower pod-deletion cost < higher pod-deletion-cost
  5. Higher spread rank < lower spread rank
  6. Been ready for empty time < less time < more time
  7. Pods with containers with higher restart counts < lower restart counts
  8. Empty creation time pods < newer pods < older pods

"4" has provided in Kruise v0.9.0 and it is also used by WorkloadSpread to control the Pod deletion. "5" is added in Kruise v0.10.0 to sort Pods by their Topology Spread Constraints during scaledown.

Advanced StatefulSet supports scaleup with rate limitโ€‹

To avoid a large amount of failed Pods after user created an incorrect Advanced StatefulSet, Kruise add a maxUnavailable field into its scaleStrategy.

kind: StatefulSet
# ...
replicas: 100
maxUnavailable: 10% # percentage or absolute number

When the field is set, Advanced StatefulSet will guarantee that the number of unavailable Pods should not bigger than the strategy number during Pod creation.

Note that the feature can only be used in StatefulSet with podManagementPolicy=Parallel.


For more changes, please refer to the release page or ChangeLog.

OpenKruise 0.9.0, Supports Pod Restart and Deletion Protection

ยท 13 min read
Siyu Wang
Maintainer of OpenKruise

On May 20, 2021, OpenKruise released the latest version v0.9.0, with new features, such as Pod restart and resource cascading deletion protection. This article provides an overview of this new version.

Pod Restart and Recreationโ€‹

Restarting container is a necessity in daily operation and a common technical method for recovery. In the native Kubernetes, the container granularity is inoperable. Pod, as the minimum operation unit, can only be created or deleted.

Some may ask: why do users still need to pay attention to the operation such as container restart in the cloud-native era? Aren't the services the only thing for users to focus on in the ideal Serverless model?

To answer this question, we need to see the differences between cloud-native architecture and traditional infrastructures. In the era of traditional physical and virtual machines, multiple application instances are deployed and run on one machine, but the lifecycles of the machine and applications are separated. Thus, application instance restart may only require a systemctl or supervisor command but not the restart of the entire machine. However, in the era of containers and cloud-native, the lifecycle of the application is bound to that of the Pod container. In other words, under normal circumstances, one container only runs one application process, and one Pod provides services for only one application instance.

Due to these restrictions, current native Kubernetes provides no API for the container (application) restart for upper-layer services. OpenKruise v0.9.0 supports restarting containers in a single Pod, compatible with standard Kubernetes clusters of version 1.16 or later. After installing or upgrading OpenKruise, users only need to create a ContainerRecreateRequest (CRR) object to initiate a restart process. The simplest YAML file is listed below:

kind: ContainerRecreateRequest
namespace: pod-namespace
name: xxx
podName: pod-name
- name: app
- name: sidecar

The value of namespace must be the same as the namespace of the Pod to be operated. The name can be set as needed. The podName in the spec clause indicates the Pod name. The containers indicate a list that specifies one or more container names in the Pod to restart.

In addition to the required fields above, CRR also provides a variety of optional restart policies:

# ...
failurePolicy: Fail
orderedRecreate: false
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
unreadyGracePeriodSeconds: 3
minStartedSeconds: 10
activeDeadlineSeconds: 300
ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 1800
  • failurePolicy: Values: Fail or Ignore. Default value: Fail. If any container stops or fails to recreate, CRR ends immediately.
  • orderedRecreate: Default value: false. Value true indicates when the list contains multiple containers, the new container will only be recreated after the previous recreation is finished.
  • terminationGracePeriodSeconds: The time for the container to gracefully exit. If this parameter is not specified, the time defined for the Pod is used.
  • unreadyGracePeriodSeconds: Set the Pod to the unready state before recreation and wait for the time expiration to execute recreation.
    • Note: This feature needs the feature-gate KruisePodReadinessGate to be enabled, which will inject a readinessGate when a Pod is created. Otherwise, only the pods created by the OpenKruise workload are injected with readinessGate by default. It means only these Pods can use the unreadyGracePeriodSeconds parameter during the CRR recreation.
  • minStartedSeconds: The minimal period that the new container remains running to judge whether the container is recreated successfully.
  • activeDeadlineSeconds: The expiration period set for CRR execution to mark as ended (unfinished container will be marked as failed.)
  • ttlSecondsAfterFinished: The period after which the CRR will be deleted automatically after the execution ends.

How it works under the hood: After it is created, a CRR is processed by the kruise-manager. Then, it will be sent to the kruise-daemon (contained by the node where Pod resides) for execution. The execution process is listed below:

  1. If preStop is specified for a Pod, the kruise-daemon will first call the CRI to run the command specified by preStop in the container.
  2. If no preStop exists or preStop execution is completed, the kruise-daemon will call the CRI to stop the container.
  3. When the kubelet detects the container exiting, it creates a new container with an increasing "serial number" and starts it. postStart will be executed at the same time.
  4. When the kruise-daemon detects the start of the new container, it reports to CRR that the restart is completed.


The container "serial number" corresponds to the restartCount reported by kubelet in the Pod status. Therefore, the restartCount of the Pod increases after the container is restarted. Temporary files written to the rootfs in the old container will be lost due to the container recreation, but data in the volume mount remains.

Cascading Deletion Protectionโ€‹

The level triggered automation of Kubernetes is a double-edged sword. It brings declarative deployment capabilities to applications while potentially enlarging the influence of mistakes at a final-state scale. For example, with the cascading deletion mechanism, once an owning resource is deleted under normal circumstances (non-orphan deletion), all owned resources associated will be deleted by the following rules:

  1. If a CRD is deleted, all its corresponding CR will be cleared.
  2. If a namespace is deleted, all resources in this namespace, including Pods, will be cleared.
  3. If a workload (Deployment, StatefulSet, etc) is deleted, all Pods under it will be cleared.

Due to failures caused by cascading deletion, we have heard many complaints from Kubernetes users and developers in the community. It is unbearable for any enterprise to mistakenly delete objects at such a large scale in the production environment.

Therefore, in OpenKruise v0.9.0, we applied the feature of cascading deletion protection to community in the hope of ensuring stability for more users. If you want to use this feature in the current version, the feature-gate of ResourcesDeletionProtection needs to be explicitly enabled when installing or upgrading OpenKruise.

A label of can be given on the resource objects that require protection. Its value can be the following two things:

  • Always: The object cannot be deleted unless the label is removed.
  • Cascading: The object cannot be deleted if any subordinate resources are available.

The following table lists the supported resource types and cascading relationships:

KindGroupVersionCascading judgement
Namespacecorev1whether there is active Pods in this namespace
CustomResourceDefinitionapiextensions.k8s.iov1beta1, v1whether there is existing CRs of this CRD
Deploymentappsv1whether the replicas is 0
StatefulSetappsv1whether the replicas is 0
ReplicaSetappsv1whether the replicas is 0
CloneSetapps.kruise.iov1alpha1whether the replicas is 0
StatefulSetapps.kruise.iov1alpha1, v1beta1whether the replicas is 0
UnitedDeploymentapps.kruise.iov1alpha1whether the replicas is 0

New Features of CloneSetโ€‹

Deletion Priorityโ€‹

The annotation was added to Kubernetes after version 1.21. ReplicaSet will sort the Kubernetes resources according to this cost value during scale in. CloneSet has supported the same feature since OpenKruise v0.9.0.

Users can configure this annotation in the pod. The int type of its value indicates the deletion cost of a certain pod compared to other pods under the same CloneSet. Pods with a lower cost have a higher deletion priority. If this annotation is not set, the deletion cost of the pod is 0 by default.

Note: This deletion order is not determined solely by deletion cost. The real order serves like this:

  1. Not scheduled < scheduled
  2. PodPending < PodUnknown < PodRunning
  3. Not ready < ready
  4. Smaller pod-deletion cost < larger pod-deletion cost
  5. Period in the Ready state: short < long
  6. Containers restart: more times < fewer times
  7. Creation time: short < long

Image Pre-Download for In-Place Updateโ€‹

When CloneSet is used for the in-place update of an application, only the container image is updated, while the Pod is not rebuilt. This ensures that the node where the Pod is located will not change. Therefore, if the CloneSet pulls the new image from all the Pod nodes in advance, the Pod in-place update speed will be improved substantially in subsequent batch releases.

If you want to use this feature in the current version, the feature-gate of PreDownloadImageForInPlaceUpdate needs to be explicitly enabled when installing or upgrading OpenKruise. If you update the images in the CloneSet template and the publish policy supports in-place update, CloneSet will create an ImagePullJob object automatically (the batch image pre-download function provided by OpenKruise) to download new images in advance on the node where the Pod is located.

By default, CloneSet sets the parallelism to 1 for ImagePullJob, which means images are pulled for one node and then another. For any adjustment, you can set the parallelism in the CloneSet annotation by executing the following code:

kind: CloneSet
annotations: "5"

Pod Replacement by Scale Out and Scale Inโ€‹

In previous versions, the maxUnavailable and maxSurge policies of CloneSet only take effect during the application release process. In OpenKruise v0.9.0 and later versions, these two policies also function when deleting a specified Pod.

When the user specifies one or more Pods to be deleted through podsToDelete or true, CloneSet will only execute deletion when the number of unavailable Pods (of the total replicas) is less than the value of maxUnavailable. In addition, if the user has configured the maxSurge policy, the CloneSet will possibly create a new Pod first, wait for the new Pod to be ready, and then delete the old specified Pod.

The replacement method depends on the value of maxUnavailable and the number of unavailable Pods. For example:

  • For a CloneSet, maxUnavailable=2, maxSurge=1 and only pod-a is unavailable. If you specify pod-b to be deleted, CloneSet will delete it promptly and create a new Pod.
  • For a CloneSet, maxUnavailable=1, maxSurge=1 and only pod-a is unavailable. If you specify pod-b to be deleted, CloneSet will create a new Pod, wait for it to be ready, and then delete the pod-b.
  • For a CloneSet, maxUnavailable=1, maxSurge=1 and only pod-a is unavailable. If you specify this pod-a to be deleted, CloneSet will delete it promptly and create a new Pod.

Efficient Rollback Based on Partition Final Stateโ€‹

In the native workload, Deployment does not support phased release, while StatefulSet provides partition semantics to allow users to control the times of gray scale upgrades. OpenKruise workloads, such as CloneSet and Advanced StatefulSet, also provide partitions to support phased release.

For CloneSet, the semantics of Partition is the number or percentage of Pods remaining in the old version. For example, for a CloneSet with 100 replicas, if the partition value is changed in the sequence of 80 โžก๏ธ 60 โžก๏ธ 40 โžก๏ธ 20 โžก๏ธ 0 by steps during the image upgrade, the CloneSet is released in five batches.

However, in the past, whether it is Deployment, StatefulSet, or CloneSet, if rollback is required during the release process, the template information (image) must be changed back to the old version. During the phased release of StatefulSet and CloneSet, reducing partition value will trigger the upgrade to a new version. Increasing partition value will not trigger rollback to the old version.

The partition of CloneSet supports the "final state rollback" function after v0.9.0. If the feature-gate CloneSetPartitionRollback is enabled when installing or upgrading OpenKruise, increasing the partition value will trigger CloneSet to roll back the corresponding number of new Pods to the old version.

There is a clear advantage here. During the phased release, only the partition value needs to be adjusted to flexibly control the numbers of old and new versions. However, the "old and new versions" for CloneSet correspond to updateRevision and currentRevision in its status:

  • updateRevision: The version of the template defined by the current CloneSet.
  • currentRevision: The template version of CloneSet during the previous successful full release.

Short Hashโ€‹

By default, the value of controller-revision-hash in Pod label set by CloneSet is the full name of the ControllerRevision. For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
controller-revision-hash: demo-cloneset-956df7994

The name is concatenated with the CloneSet name and the ControllerRevision hash value. Generally, the hash value is 8 to 10 characters in length. In Kubernetes, a label cannot exceed 63 characters in length. Therefore, the name of CloneSet cannot exceed 52 characters in length, or the Pod cannot be created.

In v0.9.0, the new feature-gate CloneSetShortHash is introduced. If it is enabled, CloneSet will set the value of controller-revision-hash in the Pod to a hash value only, like 956df7994. Therefore, the length restriction of the CloneSet name is eliminated. (CloneSet can still recognize and manage the Pod with revision labels in the full format, even if this function is enabled.)

New Features of SidecarSetโ€‹

Sidecar Hot Upgrade Functionโ€‹

SidecarSet is a workload provided by OpenKruise to manage sidecar containers separately. Users can inject and upgrade specified sidecar containers within a certain range of Pods using SidecarSet.

By default, for the independent in-place sidecar upgrade, the sidecar stops the container of the old version first and then creates a container of the new version. This method applies to sidecar containers that do not affect the Pod service availability, such as the log collection agent. However, for sidecar containers acting as a proxy such as Istio Envoy, this upgrade method is defective. Envoy, as a proxy container in the Pod, handles all the traffic. If users restart and upgrade directly, service availability will be affected. Thus, you need a complex grace termination and coordination mechanism to upgrade the envoy sidecar separately. Therefore, we offer a new solution for the upgrade of this kind of sidecar containers, namely, hot upgrade:

kind: SidecarSet
# ...
- name: nginx-sidecar
image: nginx:1.18
- /bin/bash
- -c
- /usr/local/bin/nginx-agent migrate
upgradeType: HotUpgrade
hotUpgradeEmptyImage: empty:1.0.0
  • upgradeType: HotUpgrade indicates that the type of the sidecar container is a hot upgrade, so the hot upgrade solution, hotUpgradeEmptyImage, will be executed. When performing a hot upgrade on the sidecar container, an empty container is required to switch services during the upgrade. The empty container has almost the same configuration as the sidecar container, except the image address, for example, command, lifecycle, and probe, but it does no actual work.
  • lifecycle.postStart: State migration. This procedure completes the state migration during the hot upgrade. The script needs to be executed according to business characteristics. For example, NGINX hot upgrade requires shared Listen FD and traffic reloading.


For more changes, please refer to the release page or ChangeLog.